Tagged Articles

September 17, 2024
Malnutrition Screening for Older Adults

Is your site ready for the Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards? Do you currently screen your residents using a validated malnutrition screening tool or have systems in place for this? Standard 5.5.5 of the new standards states that: “The provider implements processes to maintain an older person’s nutrition and hydration by” These guidelines do not...

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July 30, 2024
Aged Care Menu Reviews

As part of the new incoming Standard 6, aged care menus will need to be assessed annually by an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) using the recommended Dietitian Australia aged care menu review tool, currently known as the Menu and Mealtime Quality Assessment tool. This tool currently covers nutrition related matters in line with the Standards...

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September 14, 2023
The Food First Approach

A ‘food first’ approach to optimise nutrition and prevent unintentional weight loss or malnutrition is deemed best practice within the aged care sector. Good nutrition becomes increasingly important as people age. To meet these nutritional requirements, residents are encouraged to eat small regular meals frequently throughout the day. Foods and drinks should be ‘nutrient dense’...

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April 1, 2023
Enhancing the Dining Experience in Aged Care

Picture this: you walk into a nice restaurant – it feels calm, pleasant, and inviting. Everything has been designed to put you in the mood for eating. What does the dining room in that restaurant look like? How does it put you in the mood for eating? How can we translate the look and feel...

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February 8, 2023
Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk

As part of the new AN-ACC funding model, many homes will now also be required to complete the Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk to determine the residents’ needs in your home. In the nutrition section of the Braden Scale assessment tool, you will need to assess: What constitutes a serve of meat? The...

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January 19, 2021
Nutrition & Wound Healing

Pressure injury prevalence has been reported at 16-23% in combined hospital and residential aged care populations (1,2). Chronic leg ulcers affect 1-3% of people aged over 60years, with incidence increasing up to 5-10% in the 80+ age group. (3,4). Wounds can include pressure ulcers, wounds post-surgery or trauma and wounds or ulcers as a result...

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March 24, 2018
How To Minimise Choking for Residents

Choking is the second most common preventable cause of death in Australian aged care facilities. In Victoria alone, there were 89 choking deaths between 2000 and 2012, and adults over 85yrs accounted for the majority of deaths. Choking has the potential to cause brain injury and death due to cardiac arrest within minutes. It is...

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October 19, 2017
Eating for Optimal Health

Consuming a nutritious diet for optimal health is important at any age but is particularly important for the elderly to maximise independence and quality of life. As we age our nutritional requirements remain high and it is important to have a balanced diet ideally eating food from each of the five food groups while maintaining...

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June 20, 2017
Nutritional Management of Residents Receiving Dialysis

Nutritional management of residents undergoing dialysis should be a priority in any aged care facility. Kidney disease affects a large number of Australians, approximately 1.7 million. As kidney disease progresses a number of these people will require dialysis. Dialysis is needed to remove waste from the blood, restore the balance of electrolytes and remove excess fluid when the...

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November 22, 2016
Diverticular Disease and the Elderly

Diverticular disease is a condition which affects the large intestine.  Diverticulosis occurs when small pouches (diverticula) develop in the lining of the large intestine.  Diverticulitis is when these pouches become inflamed or infected. Diverticular disease is most common in people aged over 50 years, with older age and diet being considered the main risk factors. ...

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Dietitians Australia
Aged & Community Care Providers Association

Don’t let your residents or budget experience the side effects of malnutrition or dysphagia.
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