As part of the new incoming Standard 6, aged care menus will need to be assessed annually by an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) using the recommended Dietitian Australia aged care menu review tool, currently known as the Menu and Mealtime Quality Assessment tool.
This tool currently covers nutrition related matters in line with the Standards along with a Mealtime Experience Review and also a full day’s Portion Audit.
(Note that this tool is also under review by Dietitians Australia with respect to the new Aged Care Quality Standards but will continue to include a review of the dining experience and portion size audit).
In order to get ahead of the incoming standards, we would recommend that sites begin to review their dining experience and meals offered, to see where they could make improvements in line with the ASCQA expectations (Standard 6.4)
Research shows that a good dining experience increases the enjoyment of food and drinks for our residents, which in turn, reduces their risk of malnutrition
We know that all older people are at potential risk of malnutrition, regardless of whether they are obese or underweight with malnutrition affecting between 30-70% of residents in aged care.
Malnutrition can increase risk of falls, hospitalisations, wounds and pressure injuries. It can also increase depression and cause loss of mobility and independence.
There are many benefits to be gained by ensuring that residents are enjoying their dining experience, including the most important benefit, resident satisfaction and increased quality of life.
As outlined by ASCQA for the residents;
The dining experience includes the food and drinks provided, the service you receive and the atmosphere. A good dining experience improves your wellbeing and increases your quality of life.
Your dining experience should be enjoyable, respectful and meet your preferences, regardless of where, when, what and how you eat and who you dine with.
Food Solutions Dietitians and Speech Pathologists can help you determine whether you are meeting the standards expected through a Mealtime Experience Review.
The Mealtime Experience Review will look at the home’s dining room environment, the provision of required items for the meal service, meeting food safety requirements, ensuring that resident preferences are being met, ensuring that choices are being offered, that IDDSI diets are compliant and appropriate safe assistance with meals for residents is being provided
As part of our Mealtime Experience Review, we also conduct a portion audit which will provide some insight into how your home is going with respect to meal portions sizes against the nutritional guidelines.
While we know that residents require different sized meals, depending on their appetites, this audit checks that the regular sized meals offered are able to meet residents’ nutritional requirements, which will set you up for auditing as part of your annual menu review.
Contact the Food Solutions Dietetics or Speech Pathology team if you would like assistance with improving your dining room experience, providing safe assistance with meals and compliant IDDSI diets and ensuring that your home is meeting the nutritional requirements for the residents, preparing your home for both Nutrition and Hydration Audits along with the annual menu review.